Monday, July 15, 2013

Cheap and Easy Magnetic Make Up Holder

If you are like me you have seen several different forms of how to put your make up on a magnetic board on pinterest about a million times. I kept thinking what a great idea but come on I do not have that much make up and where would I put it and why would I spend that much money on something that I might not even use. Finally I had, had it and decided I would come up with a cheap way to do this and give it a shoot but was in no hurry. The other day I went into Joann's for just a cupcake box for my new business, one of my many I have/had, and of course I walked out with way more than just that ONE cupcake box. How many of you have walked into Joann's, Hobby Lobby, or Michaels and come out with just what they went in for? Not many of you I am sure. Well as I was walking around I came across my solution to my make up issue! Remember I did not want to spend that much and I did not want it to be too much work. Something I didn't mention is when I go back up to school I have a medicine cabinet, that I never use, that causes a problem for this solution so I needed a way to hang it or adhere it to it without damaging the hideous mirror medicine cabinet. The joys of renting, right?!?!?! So as I was saying I came across this metal plates that come in several different colors and here in Texas cost $9.99I thought hmmm this could work so I whipped out my 40 % off coupon, btw Joann's is my absolute favorite place to shop because they have the best prices and the BEST coupon policies, and bought it. After my coupon this magnetic plate was only $5.99 I also picked up some 3M Velcro picture hanging strips and a pack of round magnets. I have to say I am pretty impressed with myself because it only cost me about ten bucks! So here is the DIY and final product of the project.

Items Needed: 

  • Metal plate in any color from Joann's Fabric (it is used for organization) $5.99 after coupon
  • A package of magnets (however many you need) 
  • Glue gun 
  • Glue for glue gun 
  • 3M hanging strips   


    Wire metal magnetic basket for tubed make up, brushes, and tools

 How To: 

1. Take your make up and attach a magnet or two depending upon size using your glue gun.  Best part of this is once you have used up your make up you can just peel it off and reattach it to your new one.  

 Yes I do not have much make up :( I don't really do much with my make up on a daily basis and even when I go out I only spend and extra like five minutes. 

2. Take your 3M hanging strips and place them on the back of the metal plate.  



3. Hang your metal plate up 


4. Place your make up on the metal plate and admire your handy work.   


 Use a magnetic basket to hold all your tools and things you don't want to add magnets too!

You can use a small magnet to hold your tweezers because the magnet attaches to the plate and then will hold your metal tweezers in place!

So as I promised a CHEAP and EASY magnetic make up holder.   Hope you love yours as much I love mine.  Please feel free to pin to pinterest and don't forget to favorite my blog to stay up to date on all my projects :) 


  1. Love it! And love your blog!! Thanks for sharing :)

  2. Thank you! I'm glad you like it :) share anything you make I love to see what other people do!!!

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